Jeśli tu przyjechałeś, jest to pewny znak, że cenisz swoją prywatność. Doskonale to rozumiemy, dlatego dostarczamy Państwu dokument, w którym znajdziesz zasady przetwarzania danych osobowych oraz korzystania z plików cookies i innych technologii śledzenia w jednym miejscu.
Informacja formalna na początku: administratorem Twoich danych osobowych jest Benchy sp. z o.o. działająca przy ul. Ludwika 17, 40-176 Katowice, Polska. KOŃCÓWKA: 9542849819, KRS: 0001011490
Przetwarzamy Państwa dane osobowe przede wszystkim w celach związanych z korzystaniem przez Państwa z naszej strony internetowej, takich jak prowadzenie konta użytkownika, składanie zamówień i obsługa umów, rozpatrywanie reklamacji i wypłat, wypełnianie prawnych zobowiązań podatkowych, wysyłanie newslettera, spraw roszczeń, analizy, statystyki, marketing itp. Przetwarzamy Państwa dane osobowe przez okres niezbędny do osiągnięcia określonego celu. Przysługuje Państwu prawo dostępu do danych osobowych, ich sprostowania, usunięcia lub ograniczenia przetwarzania, sprzeciwu wobec przetwarzania, a także prawo do przenoszenia danych. Ponadto możesz złożyć skargę do Prezesa Urzędu Ochrony Danych Osobowych.
Szczegółowe informacje na temat zasad przetwarzania Twoich danych osobowych znajdują się w dalszej części Polityki Prywatności. W razie jakichkolwiek wątpliwości związanych z Polityką Prywatności możesz skontaktować się z nami w dowolnym momencie wysyłając wiadomość na adres
#1: Kto jest administratorem danych osobowych?
Benchy sp. z o.o., ul. Ludwika 17, 40-176 Katowice, Polska. KOŃCÓWKA: 9542849819, KRS: 0001011490
Niniejsza Polityka Prywatności dotyczy strony internetowej
W zakresie profili w mediach społecznościowych związanych z naszą stroną internetową, zgodnie z orzecznictwem Trybunału Sprawiedliwości Unii Europejskiej dostawca sieci społecznościowej jest wspólnym administratorem danych osobowych wraz z administratorem danego profilu. Szczegółowe informacje dotyczące przetwarzania danych osobowych przez poszczególnych dostawców sieci społecznościowych można znaleźć na stronach:
Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, Twitter.
#2: Z kim możesz się skontaktować w sprawie przetwarzania danych osobowych?
W ramach wdrożenia systemu ochrony danych osobowych w naszej organizacji zdecydowaliśmy się nie powołać inspektora ochrony danych osobowych ze względu na fakt, że w naszej sytuacji nie jest on obowiązkowy.
W sprawach związanych z ochroną danych osobowych i szeroko rozumianą prywatnością mogą Państwo skontaktować się z nami pod adresem e-mail W dziedzinie mediów społecznościowych możesz dodatkowo skontaktować się bezpośrednio z administratorami serwisów społecznościowych, na których prowadzimy nasze profile.
# 3: W jakich celach przetwarzamy dane osobowe?
Jest więcej niż jeden z tych celów. Poniżej znajduje się ich lista, wraz z bardziej szczegółową dyskusją. Przypisaliśmy również odpowiednie podstawy prawne przetwarzania do indywidualnych celów: realizacja zamówień i zarządzanie umowami
Przy składaniu zamówienia należy podać dane niezbędne do jego realizacji określone w formularzu zamówienia.Podanie danych jest warunkiem złożenia zamówienia.
Ponadto system używany do obsługi procesu zamówienia zapisuje Twój numer IP, którego użyłeś podczas składania zamówienia.
Każde zamówienie jest zapisywane w bazie danych, co oznacza, że Twoim danym osobowym przypisanym do zamówienia towarzyszą również informacje o zamówieniu, takie jak data i godzina złożenia zamówienia, numer identyfikacyjny zamówienia, identyfikator transakcji, temat zamówienia, cena, sposób i data płatności, data i godzina pobrania (dla treści cyfrowych).
W związku z zawarciem umowy może również przetwarzać pozostałe Państwa dane osobowe również w celu realizacji usług przewidzianych w zawartej umowie. Zakres tych danych zależy od tego, które dane osobowe są potrzebne do wykonania umowy.
W sytuacji, gdy otrzymujemy Twoje dane w ramach realizacji umowy, np. od podmiotu, który Cię zatrudnia, takie przetwarzanie danych opieramy na uzasadnionym interesie, którym w tym przypadku jest zapewnienie sprawnej i skutecznej obsługi zawartej umowy. W takim przypadku możemy przetwarzać Twoje dane identyfikacyjne i dane kontaktowe.
Dane przetwarzane są w celu zawarcia i wykonania umowy. Po wykonaniu umowy dane są przechowywane w archiwum w celu ewentualnego ustalenia, dochodzenia lub obrony roszczeń związanych z umową. Dane są również zawarte w dokumentacji księgowej w celu wypełnienia zobowiązań podatkowych.
art. 6 ust. 1 lit. b RODO, art. 6 ust. 1 lit. f RODO
Działania podejmowane w celu realizacji zamówień przez klientów
W związku z tym, że niektórzy klienci zaczynają składać zamówienie, ale go nie realizują (nie zatwierdzają zamówienia i nie zawierają z nami umowy), możemy podjąć działania, które posłużą naszym klientom do zakończenia procesu zakupu.
W tym celu możemy na przykład wysyłać e-maile zawierające informacje o niedokończonym zamówieniu oraz zachętę do zakończenia transakcji.
Do celów opisanych czynności możemy przetwarzać takie dane osobowe, jak informacje podane przy składaniu zamówienia, w szczególności imię i nazwisko oraz adres e-mail, a także informacje o zawartości koszyka, dacie rozpoczęcia transakcji oraz inne dane pozostawione w związku z rozpoczętym procesem zakupu.
Podstawą prawną przetwarzania Twoich danych osobowych jest art. 6 ust. 1 lit. b RODO, ponieważ działania te mają na celu zawarcie umowy. Ponadto widzimy podstawę przetwarzania w naszym uzasadnionym interesie, którym w tym przypadku jest zwiększenie sprzedaży.
art. 6 ust. 1 lit. b RODO, art. 6 ust. 1 lit. f RODO
Rozpatrywanie reklamacji lub odstąpienie od umowy
W przypadku złożenia reklamacji lub odstąpienia od umowy podajesz dane osobowe zawarte w reklamacji lub oświadczeniu o odstąpieniu od umowy.
Podanie danych jest warunkiem złożenia oświadczenia o odstąpieniu od umowy lub reklamacji.
Dane przetwarzane są w celu obsługi procesu odstąpienia od umowy lub procesu reklamacyjnego. Po zakończeniu takiego procesu dane są przechowywane w archiwum w celu ewentualnego ustalenia, dochodzenia lub obrony roszczeń związanych z obsługą procesu wycofania lub procesu reklamacyjnego. Dane są również zawarte w dokumentacji księgowej w celu wypełnienia zobowiązań podatkowych.
Dane przetwarzane są w celu obsługi procesu odstąpienia od umowy lub procesu reklamacyjnego. Po zakończeniu takiego procesu dane są przechowywane w archiwum w celu ewentualnego ustalenia, dochodzenia lub obrony roszczeń związanych z obsługą procesu wycofania lub procesu reklamacyjnego. Dane są również zawarte w dokumentacji księgowej w celu wypełnienia zobowiązań podatkowych.
Artykuł 6 ust. 1 lit. c RODO w związku z odpowiednimi przepisami dotyczącymi prawa do odstąpienia od umowy i odpowiedzialności za zgodność z umową, art. 6 ust. 1 lit. b RODO
Wsparcie dla newslettera
Zapisując się do newslettera, musisz podać dane niezbędne do jego otrzymania określone w formularzu subskrypcji.
Podanie danych jest warunkiem otrzymania newslettera.
Ponadto system mailingowy zapisuje Twój numer IP, którego użyłeś podczas subskrypcji newslettera, określa Twoją przybliżoną lokalizację, klienta poczty, którego używasz do obsługi poczty e-mail i śledzi Twoje działania podjęte w związku z wysyłanymi do Ciebie wiadomościami. Dlatego mamy również informacje o tym, które wiadomości otworzyłeś, w jakich wiadomościach kliknąłeś linki itp.
W systemie mailingowym możemy również zdefiniować, na podstawie różnych kryteriów związanych z Twoją aktywnością, zainteresowaniami lub innymi preferencjami, określone grupy lub segmenty odbiorców newslettera, które wpływają na rodzaj wiadomości, które otrzymujesz w ramach newslettera.
Dane przekazane przez Ciebie w związku z subskrypcją newslettera są wykorzystywane do wysyłania Ci newslettera, a podstawą prawną ich przetwarzania jest wykonanie umowy o świadczenie usług drogą elektroniczną, a także nasz uzasadniony interes, którym w tym przypadku jest realizacja celów marketingowych.
Jeśli chodzi o przetwarzanie informacji, które nie pochodzą od Ciebie i zostały automatycznie gromadzone przez system mailingowy, opieramy się w tym zakresie na naszym uzasadnionym interesie w analizie zachowań subskrybentów newslettera w celu optymalizacji działań mailingowych.
Możesz zrezygnować z subskrypcji newslettera w dowolnym momencie klikając dedykowany link w każdej wiadomości wysyłanej w ramach newslettera lub po prostu kontaktując się z nami.
Zrezygnacja z subskrypcji newslettera nie prowadzi do usunięcia Twoich danych z systemu mailingowego. Dane przechowywane są w archiwum w celu ewentualnego ustalenia, dochodzenia lub obrony roszczeń związanych z biuletynem, a także w celu zapewnienia możliwości wykazania, że działalność w zakresie newslettera była prowadzona zgodnie z prawem.
art. 6 ust. 1 lit. b RODO, art. 6 ust. 1 lit. f RODO
Obsługa kontaktów i korespondencji
Kontaktując się z nami za pośrednictwem dostępnych środków komunikacji, np. poczty e-mail, komunikatorów społecznościowych, czatów itp., w naturalny sposób podajesz swoje dane osobowe zawarte w treści korespondencji.
Podanie danych jest warunkiem nawiązania kontaktu.
Ponadto system komunikacyjny zapisuje Twój numer IP, którego użyłeś podczas wysyłania wiadomości.
System komunikacji (np. czat, komunikator) może być obsługiwany przez zewnętrznego dostawcę. W takiej sytuacji korzystanie z systemu podlega regulacjom i polityce prywatności zewnętrznego dostawcy. Szczegółowe informacje na temat narzędzi innych firm można znaleźć w sekcji poświęconej narzędziom, z których korzystamy.
The data is processed for the purpose of communication, which is our legitimate interest. After the communication is completed, the data is stored in the archive for the purpose of possible determination, investigation or defense of claims related to the conducted communication.
article 6 sec. 1 lit. f GDPR
Fulfillment of tax and accounting obligations
In connection with the performance of the contract, we also perform various tax and accounting obligations, in particular in the form of issuing an invoice, including the invoice in our accounting documentation, storing documentation, etc.
In order to issue an invoice, we process, among others, data such as name and surname, company, business address, tax identification number. Providing data required by tax law is necessary to fulfill the indicated obligations.
article 6 sec. 1 lit. c GDPR in connection with the relevant provisions of tax law.
Creating an archive
For the needs of our business, we can create archives: both in traditional and digital form. The archives receive personal data that we have processed in connection with you, and their scope may vary depending on what data we received and what scope of data is justified in terms of archiving. In this case, we rely on our legitimate interest in ordering and organizing personal data carriers.
article 6 sec. 1 lit. f GDPR
Defending, establishing or pursuing claims
Using our website, as well as concluding a contract with us, may give rise to certain claims on our or your side in the future. Therefore, we are entitled to process personal data in order to defend, establish or pursue claims. As part of this purpose, we may process any personal data that is related to a given claim, therefore their scope may vary depending on what the given claim relates to. In this case, we rely in this respect on our legitimate interest to protect our interests.
article 6 sec. 1 lit. f GDPR
Create ad audiences
Your e-mail address stored in our database may be sent to a specific advertising system (e.g. Facebook Ads, LinkedIN Ads) in order to create a group of advertising recipients using this e-mail address.
When using this feature, the email address is hashed before it is sent to the respective system to create a group of recipients.
The e-mail address will be used in the matching process conducted by the respective advertising system.
The advertising system does not share the email address with third parties or other advertisers and deletes the email address immediately after the matching process is completed.
The advertising system implements processes and procedures that ensure confidentiality and security of the e-mail address sent to it and the set of user IDs that make up the group of recipients created using the e-mail address, among others, by using technical and physical security measures.
Creating a group of advertising recipients using your e-mail address is our legitimate interest, which in this case is the implementation of our marketing goals.
article 6 sec. 1 lit. f GDPR
Social media support
If you follow our profiles on social media or interact with the content we publish on social media, we naturally see your data that is publicly available on your social profile. We process this data only within a given social network and only for the purpose of operating a given social network, which is our legitimate interest.
If you contact us via private message, you naturally provide us with your personal data contained in the content of the correspondence, in particular your image and name and surname. In this case, your data is processed in order to contact you, and the basis for processing is our legitimate interest.
It may happen that we will be the party initiating contact with you via social media in order to offer cooperation, then your data will be processed in order to search for potential contractors, offer and establish cooperation, which is legally justified by our interest.
Messages sent to us via social media are automatically archived using the tools available on individual social media sites and are available to us until you delete them. You can view all exchanged messages with us in the private messages tab.
Your use of social networking sites is subject to the regulations and privacy policies of the administrators of these websites, and these administrators provide electronic services for you, fully independently and independently of us.
article 6 sec. 1 lit. f GDPR
Analysis and statistics using only Anonymous Information
We conduct analytical and statistical activities using tools provided by external suppliers. As part of the analytical tools, we only have access to Anonymous Information. We base the processing of Anonymous Information on a legitimate interest, which consists in creating, viewing and analyzing statistics related to the activity of users on the website in order to draw conclusions allowing for the subsequent optimization of our activities.
From the level of tools, we can only view a set of statistics and information not assigned to specific people.
Detailed information on third-party tools can be found in the section dedicated to the tools we use.
article 6 sec. 1 lit. f GDPR
Self-marketing using only Anonymous Information
We conduct marketing activities using tools provided by external suppliers. As part of marketing tools, we only have access to Anonymous Information. We base the processing of Anonymous Information on a legitimate interest, which consists in creating marketing activities based on Anonymous Information and targeting advertisements within external systems based on Anonymous Information, for the purposes of marketing our own products and services. From the level of tools, we can only view a set of statistics and information not assigned to specific people.
Detailed information on third-party tools can be found in the section dedicated to the tools we use.
article 6 sec. 1 lit. f GDPR
Organization of promotional campaigns
In order to increase the sale of products / services, we may conduct various promotional campaigns, including in cooperation with external partners. The rules related to the organization of promotional campaigns are set out in separate regulations. The scope of personal data that we will process in connection with the organization of a promotional campaign may vary depending on the type of promotional campaign.
The legal basis for the processing of your personal data is our legitimate interest, which in this case is marketing and increasing the sales of our own products.
article 6 sec. 1 lit. b GDPR, Art. 6 sec. 1 lit. f GDPR
To provide additional features using only Anonymous Information
We may embed video or audio players, social widgets, comments module, chat, newsletter forms or other tools provided by third parties on our pages. All of these tools process Anonymous Information. We base the processing of Anonymous Information on a legitimate interest, which in this case consists in ensuring the possibility of using additional functions on the website. We do not have access to other information from the tools level, moreover, we do not need this information for anything - Anonymous Information is processed only so that additional functions can work. Detailed information on third-party tools can be found in the section dedicated to the tools we use.
article 6 sec. 1 lit. f GDPR
Implementation of obligations related to the protection of personal data
As the administrator of personal data, we are obliged to fulfill the obligations related to the protection of personal data. Therefore, we may process your personal data as long as it is necessary to perform these duties (e.g. in the case of processing your request regarding your personal data). The scope of data depends on what data we need to fulfill the obligation and prove compliance with the GDPR. In addition, in this case, we also rely on our legitimate interest, which consists in securing the data necessary to demonstrate accountability.
article 6 sec. 1 lit. c GDPR, art. 6 sec. 1 lit. f GDPR
#4: What information do we have about you?
We have described the scope of the processed data in relation to each processing purpose. Information in this regard can be found above, in point 3 of the Privacy Policy. The data includes information such as:
first name and last name, e-mail adress, Phone number, IP address, address for service, billing, Bank account number, details of the order placed, data collected in the mailing system, data related to the added comment / opinion, and information visible in social media profiles, information contained in correspondence, Anonymous Information.
#5: What is "Anonymous Information"
We use tools that collect a range of information about you related to the use of our website. This includes in particular the following information:
information about the operating system and web browser, viewed subpages, time spent on the site, transitions between individual subpages, clicks on individual links, mouse movements, page scrolling, the source from which you come to the page, the age range you are in, your gender Your approximate location limited to the city. your interests or other preferences based on your online activity, video recordings of your sessions on our websites,
heatmaps illustrating your behavior on our sites.This information is referred to in this Privacy Policy as "Anonymous Information".
Anonymous Information itself does not, in our opinion, have the nature of personal data, because it does not allow us to identify you and we do not compare it with typical personal data that we collect about you. Nevertheless, taking into account the strict jurisprudence of the Court of Justice of the European Union and the divided opinion among lawyers, as a precaution, in the event that Anonymous Information is assigned the nature of personal data, we have also included detailed explanations in the Privacy Policy regarding the processing of this information.
We are unable to provide you with access to Anonymous Information about you as we cannot assign any Anonymous Information to any specific user. From the level of tools collecting Anonymous Information, we can only view a set of statistics and information not assigned to specific persons.
The processing of Anonymous Information allows you to use the functionalities available on the website. In addition, Anonymous Information is used for analytical, statistical and marketing purposes, such as setting and targeting advertisements.
Anonymous Information is also processed by tool providers on the terms resulting from their regulations and privacy policies. They may be used by these providers to provide and improve services, manage them, develop new services, measure the effectiveness of advertising, protect against fraud and abuse, as well as personalize the content and advertising displayed on individual services, sites and applications. Detailed information related to this can be found in the section dedicated to the tools we use.
#6: Where do we get your personal information from?
In most cases, you provide it to us yourself. For example, this happens when you register a user account, place an order, send a complaint or withdraw from the contract, contact us via e-mail or chat, and use the functionalities available on our Website or on external websites (e.g. social networks).
In addition, some information about you may be automatically collected by the tools we use. Detailed information on third-party tools can be found in the section dedicated to the tools we use.
In exceptional cases, we may also obtain your personal data from other sources, e.g. when the entity that employs you provides us with your data as a contact person in matters related to the concluded contract, or when you represent an entity that concludes a contract with us .
#7: Is the data safe?
We care about the security of your personal data. We have analyzed the risks associated with individual processing of your data, and then implemented appropriate security and personal data protection measures. We monitor the condition of the technical infrastructure on an ongoing basis, we train the staff, we look at the procedures used, and we introduce the necessary improvements.
#8: How long will we keep personal information?
We process your personal data for as long as it is justified within the given purpose of personal data processing, therefore the processing periods vary depending on the purpose. Remember that the end of the processing of your data for one purpose does not necessarily lead to the complete deletion or destruction of your personal data, because the same set of data may be processed for another purpose, for the period indicated for it. Complete deletion or destruction of data takes place when we complete the implementation of all purposes and in other cases indicated in the GDPR.
Below you will find a description of the processing periods:
Execution of orders and the concluded contract - data related to the contract are processed for the time necessary to conclude and perform the contract;
Actions taken by customers to complete orders - related dataecompleted orders will be processed for a maximum period of 6 months from the day you placed the order;
Complaints and withdrawal from the contract - data related to complaints and withdrawal from the contract are processed for the time necessary to handle the complaint or withdrawal from the contract;
Newsletter - data related to the newsletter will be processed for the duration of your use of the newsletter;
Contact and correspondence handling - data related to correspondence handling will be processed for the duration of the contact between us;
Tax and accounting obligations - data related to the performance of tax and accounting obligations will be processed for the time provided for in the provisions of the tax law, usually 5 years from the end of the tax year;
Archive - data related to the archive will be processed until the information contained in the archive is no longer useful;
Determination, investigation and defense of claims - data related to claims will be processed until the claims expire, the limitation period for claims may vary in the light of applicable law (e.g. in the case of entrepreneurs it may be 3 years, and in the case of consumers 6 years);
Recipient groups - data related to recipient groups will be processed until they become useless or you successfully raise an objection;
Social media - basically, I have no influence on the period of storage of your personal data in social media. They are available on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube or LinkedIN on the terms resulting from the regulations and privacy policy of these websites. We are not able to remove your data from Facebook, Instagram, YouTube or LinkedIN - only you can do it;
Analysis and statistics - data related to analytics and statistics will be processed until they become useless or you successfully raise an objection;
Own marketing - data related to own marketing will be processed until it becomes useless or you successfully raise an objection;
Organization of promotional campaigns - we process data related to the organization of promotional campaigns for the time necessary to carry out the promotional campaign;
Additional tools - data related to additional tools will be processed until they become useless or you successfully raise an objection;
Obligations related to the protection of personal data - data related to the protection of personal data will be processed until they become useless, you successfully raise an objection or the limitation period of our responsibility as the personal data administrator expires.
If we process your personal data on the basis of your consent, you can withdraw such consent at any time: either by your actions or by contacting us using the contact details provided. Remember that withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.
#9: Who are the recipients of personal data?
We will venture to say that modern business cannot do without services provided by third parties. We also use such services. Some of these services involve the processing of your personal data. External service providers that are involved in the processing of your personal data are:
Google - for the purposes of using the mailing system;
Webflow - for displaying pop-ups;
Google - for the purpose of improving the customer service process;
Webflow and Google Analytics - for the purpose of collecting data via landing pages;
other subcontractors, in particular providers of IT solutions - for the purposes of cooperation with various subcontractors who may have access to your personal data, if they provide services related to such access.
If necessary, your data may be made available to a legal adviser or advocate bound by professional secrecy. The need may result from the need to use legal assistance that requires access to your personal data.
Your personal data may also be transferred to tax offices to the extent necessary to fulfill tax, settlement and accounting obligations. This applies in particular to any declarations, reports, statements and other accounting documents in which your personal data is included.In addition, if necessary, your personal data may be made available to entities, bodies or institutions authorized to access data under the law, such as the police, security services, courts, prosecutor's offices.
Your data is made available to courier companies to the extent necessary to deliver the order. These companies become independent administrators of your personal data.
As far as Anonymous Information is concerned, it is available to providers of tools or plug-ins that collect Anonymous Information. The providers of these tools are independent administrators of the data collected in them and may share this data on the terms set out by them in their own regulations and privacy policies, which we have no influence on.
# 10: Do we transfer data to third countries or international organizations?
Yes, some processing operations of your personal data may involve their transfer to third countries.
We transfer your personal data to third countries in connection with the use of tools that use resources located in third countries, in particular in the USA. The providers of these tools guarantee an adequate level of protection of personal data through appropriate compliance mechanisms provided for by the GDPR, in particular through the use of standard contractual clauses.
Currently, your personal data is transferred to third countries in connection with our use of the following solutions:
Mailing system - Google - USA
Mailing system - MailChimp - USA
E-mail - Google - USA
Website - Webflow - USA
Data backup - Google - USAIn addition, Anonymous Information collected in connection with the use of the tools indicated in the attachment to this privacy policy may be transferred to third countries, in particular the USA.
#11: Do we use profiling?
We do not make decisions based solely on automated processing, including profiling, which would have legal effects on you or similarly significantly affect you. Yes, we use tools that can take specific actions depending on the information collected as part of tracking mechanisms, but we believe that these actions do not have a significant impact on you, because they do not differentiate your situation as a customer, do not affect the terms of the contract that you can contract with us, etc.
Using certain tools, we can, for example, direct personalized advertisements to you based on your previous actions on a given Website or suggest products that may interest you. This is the so-called behavioral advertising. We encourage you to deepen your knowledge of behavioral advertising, in particular in terms of privacy issues. Detailed information, including the ability to manage settings in the field of behavioral advertising, can be found here.
#12: What rights do you have?
The GDPR grants you the following potential rights related to the processing of your personal data:
the right to access your data and receive a copy thereof;
the right to rectify (correct) your data;
the right to delete data (if in your opinion there are no grounds for us to process your data, you can request that we delete it);
the right to limit data processing (you can demand that we limit the processing of data only to their storage or performance of actions agreed with you, if in your opinion we have incorrect data or we process them unjustifiably);
the right to object to data processing (you have the right to object to data processing on the basis of a legitimate interest;
you should indicate a particular situation which, in your opinion, justifies us ceasing the processing covered by the objection;
we will stop processing your data for these purposes, unless we demonstrate that the grounds for data processing by us are superior to your rights or that your data is necessary for us to establish, pursue or defend claims);
the right to transfer data (you have the right to receive from us in a structured, commonly used machine-readable format personal data that you have provided to us on the basis of a contract or your consent; you can order us to send this data directly to another entity);
the right to withdraw consent to the processing of personal data, if you have previously given such consent;
the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority (if you find that we are processing data unlawfully, you can submit a complaint to the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection or other competent supervisory authority).
The rules related to the exercise of the above-mentioned rights are described in detail in Art. 16-21 GDPR.
We encourage you to familiarize yourself with these regulations. For our part, we consider it necessary to explain to you that indicated above These rights are not absolute and you will not be entitled to all processing activities of your personal data.
We emphasize that you always have one of the rights indicated above: if you believe that we have violated the provisions on the protection of personal data when processing your personal data, you have the option of lodging a complaint with the supervisory body (President of the Office for Personal Data Protection).
#13: Do we use cookies and what exactly are they?
Our website, like almost all other websites, uses cookies.
Cookies are small text information stored on your end device (e.g. computer, tablet, smartphone), which can be read by our ICT system (own cookies) or ICT systems of third parties (third party cookies). Cookie files may contain and store specific information, which can then be accessed by ICT systems for specific purposes.
Some of the cookies we use are deleted after the end of the web browser session, i.e. after closing it (so-called session cookies). Other cookies are stored on your end device and allow your browser to be recognized the next time you visit the website (persistent cookies).
If you want to learn more about cookies as such, you can read, for example, this material.
#14: On what basis do we use cookies?
We use cookies on the basis of your consent, except when cookies are necessary for the proper provision of electronic services to you.
Cookies that are not necessary for the proper provision of electronic services remain blocked until you consent to the use of cookies. During your first visit to a given Website, we display a message asking for your consent along with the ability to manage cookies, i.e. decide which cookies you agree to and which you want to block.
#15: Can you disable cookies?
Yes, you can manage cookie settings in your web browser. You can block all or selected cookies. You can also block cookies for specific websites. You can also delete previously saved cookies and other website and plug-in data at any time.
Web browsers also offer the option of using incognito mode. You can use it if you do not want information about visited pages and downloaded files to be saved in the browsing and download history. Cookies created in incognito mode are deleted when all windows of this mode are closed.
Browser plug-ins are also available to control cookies, such as Ghostery. The option to control cookies may also be provided by additional software, in particular anti-virus packages, etc.
In addition, there are tools available on the Internet that allow you to control certain types of cookies, in particular for collective management of behavioral advertising settings.
We also give you the ability to control cookies directly from our website. We have implemented a special cookie management mechanism that allows you to block cookies that you do not want. Remember that disabling or limiting the use of cookies may prevent the use of some of the functions available on our websites and cause difficulties in using the Websites, as well as many other websites that use cookies. For example, if you block cookies from social network plug-ins, buttons, widgets, social functions implemented on our Websites may not be available to you.
#16: For what purposes do we use first-party cookies?
Own cookies are used to ensure the proper functioning of individual mechanisms of our websites, such as remembering the contents of the basket for a certain period of time after adding selected products to it, correct sending of the forms visible on the pages, handling newsletter forms, etc. Own cookies also store information about cookie settings defined by you made from the level of the cookie management mechanism.
#17: What third party cookies are used?
The list of tools that require the use of cookies and the description of the cookies used can be found in the attachment to this Privacy Policy.
#18: Do we track your behavior on the site?
Yes, we use third-party tools that collect information about your activities on our websites. These tools are described in detail in the appendix to this Privacy Policy.
#19: Are We Directing targeted ads for you?
Yes, we use tools from external suppliers, under which we can target advertisements to specific target groups defined on the basis of various criteria such as age, gender, interests, profession, work, activities previously undertaken on our websites. These tools are described in detail in the appendix to this Privacy Policy.
#20: How can you manage your privacy?
The answer to this question can be found in many places in this Privacy Policy when describing individual tools, behavioral advertising, consent to cookies, etc. Nevertheless, for your convenience, we have collected this information again in one place. Below you will find a list of options to manage your privacy.
cookie settings within the web browser;
browser plug-ins supporting cookie file management, e.g. Ghostery;
additional cookie management software;
incognito mode in the web browser;
behavioral advertising settings, e.g.;
mechanism for managing cookies from our website;
Google Analytics Opt-out;
Google Ads Settings;
Facebook Ads Settings;
LinkedIN Privacy Settings;
HotJar Opt-out;
#21: Is there anything else you should know?
As you can see, the subject of personal data processing, the use of cookies and managing privacy in general is quite complicated. We have made every effort to ensure that this document provides you with the most far-reaching knowledge on issues important to you. If anything is unclear to you, you want to learn more or just talk about your privacy, please write to us at
#22: Can this Privacy Policy be subject to change?
Yes, we may modify this Privacy Policy, in particular due to technological changes and changes in the law. If you are a registered user, you will receive a message about each change to the Privacy Policy. Changes to the Privacy Policy become effective after 7 days at the earliest. All archived versions of the Privacy Policy are below.Annex to the Privacy Policy
Google TagManager
We use the Google Tag Manager tool provided by the American company Google LLC, which is used to manage tags and load scripts within the website.
Google Tag Manager as a tool itself does not collect any information other than those necessary for its proper operation, but it is responsible for loading other scripts described below.
Google Analytics
We use the Google Analytics tool provided by the American company Google LLC. In order to use Google Analytics, a special Google Analytics tracking code has been implemented in the website code. The tracking code uses cookies for the Google Analytics service. You can block the Google Analytics tracking code at any time by installing the browser add-on provided by Google.
Google Analytics automatically collects information about your activity on our website. As part of Google Analytics, we only have access to Anonymous Information.
Thanks to the information collected in this way, we can analyze user behavior on our website and keep statistics related to it, and then draw conclusions from these statistics in order to design solutions that improve the efficiency of the website.
If you are interested in details related to Google's use of data from websites and applications that use Google services, we encourage you to familiarize yourself with this information.
Google Ads
We use the remarketing functions available as part of the Google advertising system provided by the American company Google LLC. When visiting our website, a Google remarketing cookie file is automatically left on your device, which collects information about your activity on our website.
Thanks to the information collected in this way, we are able to display you advertisements within the Google network depending on your behavior on our website.
For example, if you display a product, information about this fact will be recorded by the remarketing cookie file, which will allow us to direct you to an advertisement regarding this product or any other that we consider appropriate.
This advertisement will be displayed to you within the Google network when you use the Internet, browse other websites, etc. We emphasize that when using Google Ads, we use only Anonymous Information.
Using Google Ads, we are only able to define the groups of recipients to whom we would like our ads to reach. On this basis, Google decides when and how to present our advertisement to you.
If you do not want to receive personalized ads, you can manage your ad settings directly on the Google website: If you are interested in details related to Google's use of data from websites and applications that use Google services, we encourage you to familiarize yourself with this information.
LinkedIN Insight Tag
We use the advertising features of the LinkedIN service provided by the LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company. In order to target you with advertisements personalized in terms of your behavior on our website, we have implemented the LinkedIN Insight Tag as part of the website, which automatically sends information about your activity on our website to the LinkedIN advertising system.
As part of the LinkedIN advertising system, we only have access to Anonymous Information.
Thanks to the information collected in this way, we are able to display you advertisements as part of the LinkedIN advertising system, depending on your behavior on our website, and measure the effectiveness of advertising campaigns in order to draw conclusions that allow us tooptimizing these campaigns in terms of effectiveness.
The information collected by LinkedIN is also used by LinkedIN. to provide advertising and reporting, improve LinkedIN security, research and product development. This information is also used to generate aggregate and anonymous measurements about the use of the LinkedIN advertising service, for example to calculate the total number of conversions made through the LinkedIN service. Details in this regard are described in the LinkedIN privacy policy.
You can manage your LinkedIN privacy settings here.
We use the MailChimp mailing system provided by the American company The Rocket Science Group, LLC. Subscription forms for mailing lists embedded on our websites may use cookie technology to ensure the proper functioning of these forms and to measure their conversion. We do not have access to the information collected in MailChimp cookies for the proper functioning of the forms - we are only interested in making the form work properly. When it comes to measuring conversions of sign-up forms, we only have access to anonymous statistical information.
In addition, we use the additional function of the MailChimp system consisting in integrating the mailing system with the Google Ads advertising system, which allows us to combine data related to Google Ads advertising campaigns with data collected in the MailChimp system and view them collectively within the MailChimp system. Therefore, a special JavaScript tracking code (snippet) from MailChimp is implemented in the code of our website, which is used to activate the aforementioned integration.
In addition, we use the additional function of the MailChimp system consisting in integrating the mailing system with the Meta advertising system, which allows us to combine data related to advertising campaigns in the Meta system with data collected in the MailChimp system and view them collectively within the MailChimp system. Therefore, a special JavaScript tracking code (snippet) from MailChimp is implemented in the code of our website, which is used to activate the aforementioned integration.
In addition, we use the additional function of the MailChimp system to send retargeted shopping emails. If you click on a link contained in such an e-mail, a MailChimp cookie is saved on your device, which allows you to track your activity related to clicking on this link.
In addition, we use the additional function of the MailChimp system to control the frequency of displaying pop-ups with forms for subscribing to mailing lists. For this purpose, a MailChimp cookie is used, which stores information about the pop-up being displayed to you in order not to display it to you again for a certain period of time.
In addition, we use an additional function of the MailChimp system - a website builder. Websites created in this way are stored as part of the MailChimp infrastructure and use MailChimp cookies to ensure their proper operation and provide access to anonymous statistics that allow you to assess the effectiveness of websites.
YouTube widgets are embedded on our pages, allowing you to play recordings available on YouTube directly from our pages. YouTube is operated by the American company Google LLC.
When you play the recording, YouTube saves cookies on your device and receives information that you played the recording from a specific website, even if you do not have a Google account or are not currently logged in. If you have logged in to your Google account, this service provider will be able to directly assign a visit to our website to your account. The purpose and scope of data collection and their further processing and use by Google, as well as the possibility of contact and your rights in this regard and the possibility of making settings to protect your privacy are described in Google's privacy policy.
If you do not want Google to assign the data collected during video playback directly to your profile, you must log out of your account before playing the video. You can also completely prevent the loading of plugins on the website by using the appropriate extensions for your browser, e.g. blocking scripts.
Information collected as part of cookie files related to YouTube videos embedded on our websites is used by Google to ensure the proper and safe functioning of the widget, analysis and optimization in the field of services provided by YouTube, as well as for personalization and advertising purposes. We do not have access to this information. For us, it is only important that the player works properly.
Remember that by playing the recordings available on YouTube, you benefit from services provided electronically by Google LLC. Google LLC is an independent entity that provides electronic services to you, independent of us. Details on the rules of using YouTube, including privacy protection, can be found in the documents provided directly by YouTube: regulations and privacy policy.